Welcome to Content Crosswalk

Do you need literacy directions? Do you feel like you don't know where to go when teaching literacy, blending it with your instruction, or can't get your kid to read. Then this is the blog for you! Here at Content Crosswalk: Where Literacy Gets the Write Of Way we will discuss, present articles, ideas, and videos all about content area literacy. No matter what direction or content you teach you will find your way using Content Crosswalk. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Creative Projects

Being bored with academics is the one thing teachers face when trying to get their students to succeed during the year. However, if you have inquiry based projects that allow the students to create, think, and evaluate what they are learning, then miracles can happen. Two of my students read the novel "1984" and decided to create bulletin boards about what they read. They were given specifics to follow, yet they each went above and beyond with their bulletin boards and the concept of the project overall. More importantly, they were able o show their classmates and friends what they had accomplished. I asked them at the end of the project for teacher feedback, and they told me to do more projects that allowed them to express themselves and post for many people to see. They also told me that they were much more motivated to work on something over a period of time when we met to discuss their projects. The feedback has helped me to build more inquiry based projects that also integrate the arts and early college model by having the students' visualize their ideas and use their research skills to evaluate the text.

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